Printing machine pop up book wholesale failure and troubleshooting methods introduced

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pop up book wholesale is one of the most troublesome problems in printing, for the short ink road small format offset press, pop up book wholesale is mainly manifested in the part that should not be graphic. There are several types of pop up book wholesale, usually found in large field areas or small empty areas.

1. pop up book wholesale types

pop up book wholesale can be divided into process pop up book wholesale and mechanical pop up book wholesale.

(l) Craft pop up book wholesale

Process pop up book wholesale is mainly caused by the chemical changes of the ink in the drying process, which mostly occurs when printing bright ink on matt paper or printing matte ink on bright paper. This kind of pop up book wholesale appears irregular, difficult to control and avoid. Sometimes it appears after the live parts have been printed and the ink has dried.

It is almost impossible to completely eliminate this kind of process pop up book wholesale, but the printing plant can take corresponding measures to avoid pop up book wholesale, such as improving the ventilation conditions of the paper receiving part, and keeping the temperature of the processing workshop and storage workshop constant. If there is still a pop up book wholesale, you can also light up the graphic part.

(2) Mechanical pop up book wholesale

Mechanical pop up book wholesale is the most common type of pop up book wholesale, mainly caused by the mechanical causes of the printing press. Mechanical pop up book wholesale is affected by factors such as the ink roller, blanket and plate on the press. Rubber blanket and plate caused by pop up book wholesale need to be eliminated by the printer; The pop up book wholesale caused by the ink roller, also known as the lack of ink pop up book wholesale, is mainly due to the unreasonable prepress design.

Lack of ink pop up book wholesale is due to a certain part of the printing screen needs a lot of ink, and the ink roller can not be timely caused by ink. For example, large bold characters of the same color are designed above the large area of the field, and the part of the ink roller used for printing bold characters does not have sufficient time to ink before the field behind the printing, so the field part behind the bold characters is slightly lighter than the other parts of the field.

2. Exclusion of pop up book wholesale

Lack of ink pop up book wholesale, in the use of transparent ink printing is more likely to occur, and the use of opaque ink and proofing, it rarely occurs. In cooperation with the platemaking and printing process, some measures can be taken to reduce ink pop up book wholesale. First of all, care should be taken to avoid the use of ink-free pop up book wholesale design, such as large borders, large fields, etc. If such a design must be adopted, the following measures can be taken:

(l) Use pictures as much as possible in the design. For screen printing that does not involve the field, there is generally no pop up book wholesale phenomenon.

(2) Change the design. Reduce the density of large borders or large fields, balance the density gap between the mesh picture on the page and the field part, and try to balance the ink amount of the entire page to reduce the appearance of pop up book wholesale. For example, if you put two pictures on the right side of the printed sheet, it is easy to produce pop up book wholesale when printing; If the design is changed, the two pictures are placed separately, one on each side, and the amount of ink used in the whole page is balanced, it can avoid rabbit pop up book wholesale.

(3) When typesetting, design the layout reasonably. Proper layout can ensure that the ink roller has enough inking time to avoid pop up book wholesale. For example, if a design is to place a large picture in the field, when composing, if the printing press size is large enough, it can be placed behind two pictures on a white background.

(4) The use of color strips in the cutting part other than the graphic part to transfer the excess ink on the ink roller, these color strips are called ink transfer strips.

(5) Adjust the printing press to increase the amount of ink supplied by the ink pop up book wholesale part of the ink hopper. Moreover, some printing presses are equipped with inclined surface ink roller, which can effectively solve the problem of ink pop up book wholesale, that is, the use of different parts of the ink roller to print different parts of the large area of the field, so that the ink roller will not lack ink.

(6) Rotate the layout by 90°. Take the printing of large bold characters in the field as an example, if the ink roller first inks the large bold characters, and then inks the field, printing one by one, it is easy to cause ink shortage pop up book wholesale. However, if the printing sheet is transpoted 90°, so that one part of the ink roller inks the font and the other part inks the field, it can effectively avoid the lack of ink pop up book wholesale.

The lack of ink pop up book wholesale phenomenon of lighter ink in individual places of the field frame is mainly caused by design reasons, and the ink roller cannot quickly replenish enough ink to meet the needs of field printing. Due to the large amount of printing ink required by the field border, it is easy to lack ink in the circumference of the cylinder, resulting in the ink color of the field border printed along the circumference than the border printed along the axis.

pop up book wholesale https://www.thpkgg.com/Pop-up-book.html
